Decoding Complex Off...

Decoding Complex Offender Score Calculations for Felony Sentencing
In this course on decoding the complexities of offender score calculations, our experienced presenters, Andrew Ricci and Mary Kay High of the Pierce County Department of Assigned Counsel, will guide attorneys through the intricate process of calculating complex felony offender scores, using real-world hypothetical examples. He will delve into challenging scenarios such as those involving washout issues on varying length pending charges, handling multiple violent or serious violent pending charges, and other complex factors that are often miscalculated by prosecutors, potentially to the detriment of your criminal defense clients.

Defense attorneys will gain valuable insights on how to advocate sentencing more effectively for their clients by ensuring accurate offender score calculations. By the end of this webinar, participants will be equipped with the knowledge to not only protect their clients but also to educate prosecutors and the Court on correct scoring practices. Attendees will engage in informative and interactive training, learning practical tools and strategies that can be immediately applied in legal practice to enhance sentencing skills.

1.0 Law and Legal credit has been requested from the bar. 

To register, write to with “Decoding” in the subject line.