Defense Discovery Ob...

Defense Discovery Obligations
Title: Defense Discovery Obligations

Date & Time: July 21, 2023. 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Program Description:

This presentation will cover what information the defense must provide to the prosecution in a criminal case. Presenter Marina Spencer, defense attorney in Clark County, will answer common questions, such as which defenses require notice to the prosecution and differences between CrR 4.7 and CrRLJ 4.7. Finally, she will address the consequences of failure to provide discovery.

*Please note, each program in our Discovery Series is a stand-alone webinar. You do not need to attend the entire series if you are unable to.

To register for this CLE, email with “Obligations” in the subject line. 1.0 Law and Legal credit has been requested from the WSBA for this program.