Litigating DUIS: Blo...

Litigating DUIS: Blood, Breath and FSTS
Presenters at this DUI CLE will teach about some of the most challenging aspects of drug and alcohol DUIs, including cross-examination of the arresting officer, fighting the Draeger and drug DUIs:
• Kaaren Harvey will talk about creating individualized cross examinations of investigating officers with a focus on FSTs and level of intoxication
• Diego Vargas will discuss fighting drug DUIs before and during trial
• Asa Louis will give a view of testing blood for drugs from the Washington State Patrol lab with an emphasis on interpreting results
• Jason Lantz will give an overview of litigation around the Draeger in Washington and highlight some problems with the software in that machine
• Angie Clifford-Salisbury will cover using software expert Sam Felton in a Draeger trial
• Joe Anderson will explain how interfering substances can impact a Draeger breath test and talk about earnest attempts to give a breath test on the Draeger that the machine wrongly indicates are refusals to blow

Click here for a full schedule!

To register, email with “DUI” in the subject line. 6.25 Law and Legal credits have been requested to the WSBA for this program.