When a student makes a threat to a school or to anyone at a school, whether staff or fellow students, the student may be investigated and charged with a crime. In addition to criminal consequences, a student may face school discipline that is as severe and impactful as the potential criminal proceedings. This one-hour webinar will cover what defenders need to know about the impact a school-based threat can have on a student’s education, what can be done to mitigate both the criminal and adverse education consequence consequences for the student client, and how criminal defense and education attorneys can collaborate to create a successful game plan for the student.
This CLE is intended for criminal defense attorneys, investigators, mitigation specialists, sentencing advocates and education attorneys and related team members who will collaborate with criminal defense attorneys when a student is accused of making school-based threats.
1.0 Law and Legal Credit has been requested from the WSBA for this program. To register, email wda@defensenet.org with “School Based Threats” in the subject line.