Representing Youth a...

Representing Youth and Emerging Adults in Misdemeanor Courts
Scientific research into the developing adolescent brain and the behaviors and attributes of youth has resulted in changes to felony sentencing of adolescents and young adults, but misdemeanor courts can be slow to take this new information into account. This CLE will focus on understanding the neuroscience related to adolescent and young adult brains and using it in courts of limited jurisdiction.

· Dr. Wendy Marlowe will discuss brain maturation from childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood with a focus on adolescent brain development

· Cindy Arends Elsberry will cover criminal case law and statutes that address adolescent brain development and their implications for youth in misdemeanor courts

· Magda Baker will moderate a panel that will explore effective communication and creative sentencing for youth; panelists include George Yeannakis and Jeri Chavez.

This CLE will take place on October 27th, 2017 between 9:00 AM and 12:30 PM at the Seattle Justice Center, 600 Fifth Ave., Seattle, WA.

To register, please email with “Representing Youth” in the subject line. Space is limited, so sign up soon to reserve a seat!

600 5th Ave, Seattle, WA 98104