RESCHEDULED: Seeking Release in NGRI Cases with Lessons Learned from a Recent Case
This webinar has reached capacity. Please check our online CLEs page in the coming week to view the recording of this session. Self-study viewings may be reported directly to the WSBA for CLE credit.

Please join us for an in-depth look at the legal representation pathway for NGRI cases to include; typical barriers or issues in serving our NGRI clients, complexities of the Washington State Mental Hospital system, avenues for exploring discharge plans, and tools and resources which can further support the defense of these often overlooked and forgotten clients.

Presented by Kelly “Leonora” Russell and Amy Parker with King County DPD, ACA Division, this presentation will include a case presentation of an NGRI Conditional Release case that went to trial, offered by the team representing the client. This case is a unique and illuminating example of an NGRI client who has been held for 52 years, primarily at Eastern State Hospital. This case presentation will highlight the challenges faced in seeking a conditional discharge for a client who has lost hope in navigating the archaic, often arbitrary, stages of perceived progress required of patients in order to be considered for release.

To register, email with “NGRI” in the subject line. 1.0 Law and Legal credit has been requested from the WSBA for this program.