Exciting News! Please join WDA’s Immigration Project in this webinar for an overview of all the Keep Washington Working Act provisions that will dramatically change – for the better – the way your local law enforcement and jail treat noncitizens. On May 21st, Governor Inslee will sign the Keep Washington Working Act (KWW) into law. Key provisions of KWW will cut off existing collaboration between local sheriffs and police and jails and ICE and Border Patrol (Customs and Border Protection – CBP). This in turn will significantly decrease the number of your clients who will be apprehended by ICE and Border. This legislation puts Washington out in front of states who are using their power to refuse to participate in the federal government’s immigration enforcement dragnet that harnesses and hijacks local law enforcement resources as a force-multiplier in its efforts to apprehend and deport people. This webinar will provide an overview of KWW’s provisions that will now be in force in your local jurisdictions. These include: 1. No inquiries into immigration status, citizenship or place of birth at arrest or booking; 2. No notification to ICE or CBP of the release date/time of clients from local custody; 3. No access by ICE or CBP to interview people held in local custody. This webinar will lay the foundations for WDA members to help make these significant steps a reality in your practice, your jurisdiction and the lives of your noncitizen clients and their families.
To register for this webinar, email wda@defensenet.org with KWW in the subject line. 1.0 Law and Legal credit has been requested from the WSBA for this webinar.