The Ethics of Submit...

The Ethics of Submitting A Report to Court in Dependency Proceedings
This CLE will discuss the RPC’s as they relate to submitting a report to court on behalf of youth and children in dependency proceedings. Participants will hear from judicial officers, a young person with lived experience in the foster care system, and other child welfare experts regarding best practices when representing both verbal and non-verbal children in child welfare cases.

Presented by Judge Helen L. Halpert, retired County Superior Court Judge; Bailey Zydek, Program Counsel for the Office of Civil Legal Aid; Emily Stochel, Interim Program Manager for Standards Initiatives for the College Success Foundation; Lisa Kelly, Director of the Children and Youth Advocacy Clinic at University of Washington School of Law; and Commissioner Michelle Ressa, Spokane County Superior Court Judge. 

To register, email with “Report to Court” in the subject line. This CLE has been approved for 1.o Ethics credit from the WSBA.