The Process of Plead...

The Process of Pleading Guilty
Nikole Hecklinger and Stacy Taeuber will present on the guilty plea process. Ms. Hecklinger, who has worked extensively as a court commissioner and judge pro tem in King County Superior Court and municipal courts, will discuss the guilty plea process from a judge’s perspective. She will address the importance of going through the guilty plea form and process thoroughly and explaining all collateral consequences to the client, language that defenders can include in plea forms, and working with interpreters during the guilty plea process. Ms. Hecklinger will also discuss Alford pleas and In re Barr pleas. Stacy Taeuber, who is an attorney with WDA’s Immigration Project, will discuss crafting immigration-safe pleas for non-citizens.

1.0 Law and Legal credit has been requested from the bar. To register, please write to with “Guilty” in the subject line.