Wild Pursuits: Maste...

Wild Pursuits: Mastering the Art Handling Hunting and Fishing Cases
In this comprehensive course, attorneys will learn to adeptly navigate hunting and fishing charge defenses, with an emphasis on safeguarding the client’s license. Attorneys will be equipped with a wealth of insights into often-overlooked prerequisites within the hunting and fishing license realm. From agate hunting to legal shed antler collection, proper bear baiting techniques to spotlight use, and the plethora of actions that can trigger license suspension or revocation.

Attorneys will uncover the nuances differentiating reports from Washington Fish and Wildlife Department Officers from conventional police reports. These distinctions will be harnessed as tools in crafting a robust defense strategy for your client. Our curriculum will illuminate the pivotal role of shrewd negotiations and unveil a range of strategies to secure alternative charges. By employing these tactics, attorneys can ensure that their clients retain their hunting and fishing licenses, which often serve as vital sources of food for their families throughout the year; a little known fact to many attorneys.

Attorneys will emerge from this training with a comprehensive understanding to effectively represent clients facing criminal hunting and fishing charges; and an informed approach to treating these criminal cases as having merit, and not similar to a traffic infraction.  Presented by Attorney Angela Avery.

To register for this CLE, email wda@defensenet.org with “Hunting and Fishing Cases” in the subject line. 1.0 Law and Legal credit has been requested from the WSBA for this program.