News & Updates

Indeterminate Sentence Review Board Seeks Defense Attorneys
August 28, 2024 | Erin Stewart

The Indeterminate Sentence Review Board is seeking Defense Attorneys to represent clients in violation hearings pursuant to WAC 381-60 and 381-100. Clients can be from anywhere in the State and hearings can be conducted via videoconference.

The Mission of the Board:

The ISRB makes informed evidence-based decisions essential to public safety regarding the confinement or release of individuals under its jurisdiction.

We value:

· Practicing diversity, equity, inclusion, and respect of all individuals.

· Making objective decisions with consideration for public safety and the concerns of stakeholders.

· Following the law with integrity.

· Being responsive and transparent to victims, individuals under our jurisdiction, the public, and criminal justice partners.

· Planning and managing public resources responsibly.

· Working together with open communication while valuing each team member.

· Excellence and accountability in our work.


For more information please contact:

Kecia Rongen, Chair

Rebecca Torrence, Executive Assistant