Defender Well-Being

Publications- Legal Professionals and Well Being

There are several law related articles that discuss public defender well-being and lawyer well-being. This subject has been studied periodically over the years, but has gained more traction in recent years, with the ABA proclaiming  that “[t]o be a good lawyer, one has to be a healthy lawyer. Sadly, our profession is falling short when it comes to well-being,” and publishing “The Path to Lawyer Well-Being” in 2017.

The Toll of Trauma – Wisconsin Lawyer Magazine (2011).

The Prevalence of Substance Use and Other Mental Health Concern Among American Attorneys, Journal of Addiction Medicine (2016)

The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations for Positive Change, Nat’l Taskforce on Lawyer Well-Being (2017)

Buffering Burnout – Preparing the Online Generation for the Occupation Hazards of the Legal Profession, 24 So. Cal Interdis. LJ (2014)