This CLE examines how the role of race influences the way that lawyers prepare their cases, communicate with clients, advise their clients, the special responsibilities of prosecutors and respect for the rights of third persons.
Getting to Know You: Effective Legal Advocacy Through Better Understanding Your Client
Participants in this webinar learn about child development, how to identify and advocate for the legal rights of very young children and ethical considerations when representing this group of clients.
This program focuses on how you can win your cases, even when you lose at trial, by helping you learn how to create a better record and how to create better records at trial and at sentencing.
This CLE is for participants to better understand and appreciate the distinct roles and responsibilities of a CASA and an attorney for a child in Washington’s dependency system.
Trial Advocacy Training - Visual Aids and Demonstrative Exhibits in the Courtroom
Investigations: Challenging Identification Procedures
This CLE covers what attorneys must know about youthful clients and adolescent brain development in order to provide competent representation, have effective communication, and consideration of other ethics issues that may arise.
Full-day training to help you prepare for resentencing hearings for the youth who were convicted of aggravated murder and were sentenced to life without parole.