
Immigration Trainings

Immigration Status: What is it, Where do you Find it, and Why Does it Matter?

Activity ID # 2028229 Video Password: WDA 1.0 Law and Legal Credit and .5 Ethics Credits. PowerPoint Presentation


Update on Harassment and Overview of Other Low-Level Charges with High-Level Consequences (03.01.24)

Activity ID # 2016032 Video Password: WDA Presented by Stacy Taeuber with WDA and WDA Extern Haley Davis. PowerPoint Presentation


WDA 2022 Defender Conference Resource Page

Greetings! This page will house all the available supplementary materials for WDA’s 2022 Defender Conference: Dismantling Barriers. Some materials are not yet available, so keep an eye on this page for additions after the co...


VNCO: Dos & Don’ts When Representing Noncitizen Defendants

Activity ID # 1164106 Video Password: WDA VNCO PowerPoint  


Crimmigration 102: Immigration Consequences of Washington Crimes (01.27.20)

Activity ID # 1130754 Video Password: WDA PowerPoint Presentation


Crimmigration 101: Padilla Obligations and Steps for Effective Representation (Recorded 11.21.19)

Activity ID: 1130729. Approved for 1.0 Ethics credit. Video Password: WDA PowerPoint Presentation


Keep Washington Working Act Webinar (05.31.19)

Activity ID # 1108524 Video Password: WDA   Keep Washington Working Act Info Sheet Keep Washington Working Act PowerPoint Presentation  


WDAIP’s Criminal Defense of Immigrant Clients in ICE Custody (09.28.18)

This webinar seeks to bridge the divide between immigration and criminal legal proceedings, and will include practical tips for representing noncitizen clients who are in immigration custody.


WDAIP’s Crimmigration 101: How to Comply with Your Padilla Duties (5.18.18)

Jonathan Moore provides an overview of issues related to representing clients in the criminal justice system who are not U.S. citizens.


Immigration Consequences of Civil Commitment for Non-U.S.-Citizens

Video Password: WDA This video is available as reference and not eligible for CLE credits at this time.