
Juveniles Adult Court

Late Appeal – Mtn to Extend Time to File (2021)


Motion to Vacate Sentence Remove Juvenile Points from Score (11.2023)

In this motion to vacate, defendant seeks to remove prior juvenile adjudications from his score in a case that has been final for a long time. Thanks to Jeff Ellis for this sample brief.


Registration For Sex Offenses Committed When an Adult (8.2023)

This practice advisory describes the nuts and bolts of the duty to register for sex and kidnap offenses when the person convicted was an adult as defined by law. To understand whether the duty to register applies, the length of th...


Registration For Sex Offenses Committed When Not an Adult as Defined By Law (11.2023)

In 2023, the Washington Legislature changed the requirements for sex offender registration when committed by people who are not adults as defined by law. It also changed the length of time this duty to register is placed upon them...


Registrable Sex and Kidnap Offenses-Updated 2023

This practice advisory contains the lists of registrable sex and kidnap offenses when committed as an adult and not as an adult as defined by law.


Resentencing_Motion to WD Plea Acceptable Remedy (6.2023)

This appellate brief response in the COA argues that withdrawal of plea is an appropriate remedy to Houston Sconiers error. Thanks to Jeff Ellis.


Late Adolescent Defacto Life Juvie Priors as Aggravator Unconstitutional

This brief challenges a de facto life sentence for a late adolescent where juvenile priors used as aggravating circumstance.


Monschke Case Resentencing Options (6.2023)

This sentencing memo argues trial courts can impose a determinate sentence or a juvenile indeterminate sentence in a Monschke resentencing. Thanks to Jeff Elli.


Felony Murder Late Adolescent Minor Accomplice Unconstitutional (6.2023)

'This brief argues the felony murder and mand penalties are unconstitutional for late adolescent who was a minor accomplice. Thanks to Jeff Ellis.


Houston Sconiers Resentencing Not a Breach (6.2023)

This COA Appellate Brief argues that asking for a resentencing hearing that complies with H-S is not a breach of the plea agreement. Thanks to Jeff Ellis.