This CLE covers topics of special interest including: changes to DUI statutes and DUI case law, the ethical use of social media as a toll for investigation and litigation, how to litigate race, and much more.
This CLE provides attorneys representing clients facing involuntary commitment with tools for responding to civil commitment law changes as well as the evolving use of technology in jurisdictions instituting video court hearings.
This training focuses on family law concepts and custody matters in order to avoid common pitfalls caused when clients agree to custody arrangements to avoid a dependency case or termination early in a criminal or dependency case.
This program provides a snapshot of basic immigration law for defenders, with a focus on the mental health ground of inadmissibility.
This training provides concrete strategies for criminal, juvenile and dependency attorneys to support their clients with children in order to reduce the likelihood of termination of parental rights.
Three-day seminar for defenders and defense investigators who represent individuals in homicide and capital murder cases. Presenters address recent developments and issues of perennial interest in these challenging matters.
A continuation to “Firearms Part 1: Fundamentals of Function and Forensics for Criminal Defense Lawyers”, this webinar will pick up where we left off: the forensics!
A how to guide for obtaining relief from sex offender or kidnapping registration for your clients, or advising your public defense clients about what they need to do to obtain relief.
This webinar discuss the effects of medical illnesses and medications on the evidence police gather when investigating DUIs and explain how an attorney for an ill client may be able to attack that evidence.