
Master DUI Motions in Limine-Alcohol


Expired Vials Rulings Compiled by Dustin Howie (Link)


Spokane Superior Court RALJ Decision on Delay and Expired Vials in Blood Test DUI

The ruling includes some strong language regarding expired vials: “The Court finds that prejudice exists and concurs with Spokane Municipal Court that prejudice results from a DUI blood test with an expired tube on these facts....


Spokane Superior Court RALJ Decision on Preaccusatorial Delay in Blood Test DUI

The ruling includes some strong language regarding expired vials: “The Court finds that prejudice exists and concurs with Spokane Municipal Court that prejudice results from a DUI blood test with an expired tube on these facts....


Jefferson County Ruling Suppressing Blood Test Result Due to Expired Vial

This ruling from Jefferson County District Court orders suppression due to expired vial testing.  There is language in the Court’s ruling that Dr. Couper was “not able to answer questions relating to expired vials” and “c...


2024_Refrigerator Outages Arguments by Dustin Howie


Fermentation Defense by Andrew Mishlove

This article from NACDL’s magazine, The Champion, discusses litigating the argument that fermentation inflated the result of a client’s blood test.


Introduction to Blood Testing by Joseph St. Louis

This resource is an introduction to the science of blood testing.


Blood Test Delays-Spokane Municipal Findings and Conclusions in Support of Order Granting Motion to Dismiss


Blood Test Delays-Reply to City’s Response