
Practice Tools for Defenders

Discretionary Fee Chart

This document is a chart of all discretionary and mandatory  fees, fines, and costs that courts of limited jurisdiction may impose including those for DUIs. It includes the statutes authorizing the LFO, and directs the user to th...


Prosecutorial Misconduct Grid of Examples with Case Cites

This user-friendly reference contains a comprehensive summary of prosecutorial misconduct  in an easy-to-use grid organized alphabetically by objection type, with specific examples of each type of misconduct alongside cites to th...


Free Talk Form – Use and Derivative Use Immunity


DOC Resentencing Case Training Handout (10.2021)


Redemption Project WA: Training Manual for Resentencing Cases (2.2023)


Bail Motion Checklist


Judge Kessler (Ret.) Caselaw Notebook 2024 Update (2.2024)

Ret Judge Ron Kessler compiles and shares this Caselaw Notebook with defenders annually.


Advocating for Clients in Jail

Click here to view Advocating for Clients in Jail by Ethan Frenchman, Disability Rights Washington.


Attorney Client Communication – Client in DOC (7.29.2021)

This Info Sheet prepared by Washington State DOC explains how attorneys can arrange for communication with clients who are incarcerated in DOC facilities.


Trial Defense Guidelines for Representing a Child Facing a Possible Life Sentence (2015)

This resource comes from the Center for Fair Sentencing of Youth (CFSY) and sets out the requirements for defense teams representing children facing a long or life sentence.