
Issue Spotting Resource Page

This page includes all the resources you need for WDA’s CLE “Issue Spotting – What Are You Going to Do?” PowerPoints, supplementary materials, videos and more will be added over the next few days, so continue to check back!

Full Schedule

Presenter Biographies

CLE Reporting Form

Issue Spotting Discovery: Details Matter. Presented by Eileen Murphy. 1.0 Law and Legal Credits.

Materials Coming Soon!

Issue Spotting Searches of Individuals and Vehicles. Presented by Eric Scott. 1.5 Law and Legal Credits.

Materials Coming Soon!

Issue Spotting Residential Searches. Presented by Kathryn Russell Selk. 1.0 Law and Legal Credit.

Materials Coming Soon!

Issue Spotting on Scene Statements – “You don’t say!” Presented by Eileen Murphy. 1.0 Law and Legal Credit.

Materials Coming Soon!

Issue Spotting – Procedural Issues. Presented by Nathan Poston. 1.5 Law and Legal Credit.

Hypo 1

Hypo 2

Hypo 3

Hypo 4

Issue Spotting – Pretext Stops “Driving While Black.” Presented by Sheri Oertel. 1.0 Law and Legal Credit.