

Subtitle: There’s A Treatment for Heroin Addiction That Actually Works. Why Aren’t We Using It. Published on the Huffington Post website.  

  • Kicked Off Medication Assisted Treatment By A Court? – Friedman (2015) – News Article

This article identifies areas for advocacy needed for court-involved people receiving medication assisted treatment and lists resources for their attorneys  can use to educate themselves and other court stakeholders about the role medication assisted treatment can play in the client’s success. Published on website.

  • Expecting Better: Improving Health and Rights for Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs – Open Society Foundation (2018) – Policy Report 

This report reviews national and international practice and evidence and is reviewed by medical doctors for medical accuracy.   The principles described here can help those seeking to improve policies and practices that affect pregnant women who use drugs and to advocate for them in a variety of settings by recommending simple approaches to benefit and protect the health of both pregnant women and newborns.