WDA’s Redemption Project of Washington team is available to help with your post-conviction cases.
Cindy Arends Elsberry Sarah Hudson
You can reach Cindy by emailing cindy@defensenet.org
You can reach Sarah by scheduling a consult here or emailing sarah@defensenet.org
Trainings, resources, and more can be found here: Post Conviction/Resentencing Resources
If you are representing a non-citizen, please consult with an attorney experienced in the intersection of criminal and immigration law or consult with WDA’s Immigration Project here.
We can help with your public defense post-conviction and resentencing cases in a variety of ways:
- Helping spot issues that may benefit your clients in resentencing hearings for youthfulness under Domingo-Cornelio and Ali, Monschke, and other case law developments;
- Providing technical assistance around resentencing options under Washington State law such as 6164 (prosecutor lead resentencing), 5164 (Three Strikes reform), and State v. Blake;
- Providing technical assistance with vacating convictions for constitutional deficiencies, especially failure to provide Padilla advice regarding immigration consequences of a conviction;
- Shaping arguments that may arise during resentencing hearings;
- Building solid release/reentry plans;
- Identifying experts for mitigation, release planning, and juvenile development;
- Providing sample motions, forms and practice advisories; and
- Researching and analyzing legal and ethical issues;